The Sacrament of Confirmation: A Call to Strengthen Our Faith
As Catholics, we are blessed with the sacraments, tangible signs of God's grace working within us. Among these, the Sacrament of Confirmation holds a special place as it deepens our connection to the Holy Spirit and strengthens our commitment to live out our faith boldly and authentically.
In the journey of faith, Confirmation is often referred to as the "Sacrament of Christian maturity." It is through this sacrament that the graces we received in Baptism are sealed and strengthened, empowering us to become true witnesses of Christ in the world. The Holy Spirit, who descended upon the apostles at Pentecost, comes upon each confirmand with gifts that guide and inspire us in our daily lives.
As your pastor, I, Fr. Vijay, would like to take this opportunity to encourage all the youth and adults of our Cluster parishes—Most Holy Rosary, Most Precious Blood, St. Anthony, St. Ann, and St. George—to consider receiving the Sacrament of Confirmation. Whether you are a young person approaching this milestone or an adult who has not yet received this sacrament, now is the perfect time to take this important step in your spiritual journey.
The Process Leading to Confirmation
For young people, confirmation is typically celebrated every other year during the Easter Season when the bishop visits. Preparation for this sacrament is a two-year journey that includes learning, prayer, spiritual growth, social justice projects, and community-building experiences. For more information about this process, please contact the parish office. For adults who were baptized in the Catholic tradition and have already received their first communion, confirmation is usually administered by the pastor during the Easter Vigil as part of the RCIA process. To learn more about receiving this sacrament, please reach out to the parish office.