St. Ann, Sanborn

Regular Mass Times

  • Sunday:        Mass @ 11:00 am

  •                      Rosary @10:30am

  • 1st Friday:    Mass @ 10:30 am 

  •                      First Friday of Each month

  • Adoration:     10:30 am First Sunday of Each Month

Administration/mailing address

  • Address
    203 N Main St., Mellen, WI 54546, USA
  • Phone
    + 1 715-274-3701
  • Email

St. Ann Parish History Overview

  • Founded in 1895, St. Anne Parish is located in the Village of Sanborn in northern Ashland County. The first Mass celebrated in the area was at the home of Joseph Dausault in 1892 by Franciscan Chrysostom Verwyst of Ashland. In November of 1895, Mr. and Mrs. J. Roehm deeded four acres of land to Bishop James Schwebach of La Crosse. Fr. Patrick Degraa dedicated the church, built under the direction of Dausault, in 1899. In 1905 the parish became a mission of St. Ann Parish in Saxon. Previously served by Franciscan Fathers of Ashland, St. Anne came under direction of priests of the new Diocese of Superior. In 1909, a bell tower was added to the original structure. In 1939, St. Anne mission was turned over to the Society of the Precious Blood religious order. Ten members of the order served the parish until 1988, when the Franciscans returned to serve. Today St. Anne is part of a five-parish cluster, along with parishes in Mellen, Glidden, Highbridge and Clam Lake.

About Our Patron Saint, St. Ann

  • St. Ann, also known as Saint Anne or St. Anna, holds a special place in the hearts of Christians around the world as the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the grandmother of Jesus Christ. Though the Bible does not mention St. Ann by name, her story has been passed down through Christian tradition, making her one of the most venerated saints in the Catholic Church.
  • The Life of St. Ann
  • St. Ann was born in Bethlehem, part of the lineage of King David. According to apocryphal writings, particularly the Protoevangelium of James, St. Ann was married to Joachim, a devout man from Nazareth. The couple lived a righteous and devout life but remained childless for many years, which was considered a sign of divine disfavor at the time. Despite this, they continued to pray and trust in God’s plan.
  • In their old age, after much prayer and fasting, an angel appeared to St. Ann and Joachim, announcing that they would be blessed with a child. This child, born of divine promise, was Mary, who would later become the Mother of God. The birth of Mary brought great joy to Ann and Joachim, who dedicated their daughter to the Lord’s service at the Temple in Jerusalem.
  • St. Ann is often depicted in religious art holding the young Mary, teaching her to read the Scriptures, or with a book in her hand, symbolizing the teaching of the faith. This reflects her role as a model of motherhood and faith, passing down the teachings of God to the next generation.
  • St. Ann’s Role in the Church
  • St. Ann’s significance in the Church extends beyond her role as the mother of Mary and the grandmother of Jesus. She is seen as a powerful intercessor and patroness of many causes, especially those related to motherhood, women in labor, and the protection of children. Many women struggling with infertility or difficult pregnancies turn to St. Ann for her intercession, drawing inspiration from her own story of miraculous conception.
  • The feast day of St. Ann is celebrated on July 26th, often in conjunction with St. Joachim. This day is an opportunity for the faithful to reflect on the importance of family, the nurturing of faith, and the legacy of love passed down through generations. Many parishes and communities hold special Masses, prayers, and processions to honor St. Ann and seek her intercession.
  •  St. Ann’s Influence Today
  • The devotion to St. Ann is widespread, with numerous churches, shrines, and schools named in her honor across the world. One of the most famous shrines dedicated to her is the Basilica of Sainte-Anne-de-Beaupré in Quebec, Canada, where many pilgrims visit each year seeking her intercession.
  • For those who look to St. Ann as their patroness, her life serves as a reminder of the virtues of patience, perseverance, and faith in God’s providence. She exemplifies the sanctity of family life and the profound impact that a mother’s faith can have on the spiritual development of her children and grandchildren.
  • In a world where the family unit often faces challenges, St. Ann stands as a beacon of hope, showing that even in the most difficult circumstances, faith and trust in God can lead to extraordinary blessings. Her legacy continues to inspire and guide the faithful, reminding us all of the importance of nurturing our own faith and passing it on to future generations.

Church Location: 42070 Co. Hwy. E, Sanborn, WI 54806

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